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Dear Friends,

It’s the crack of dawn:

The first beams of Light are opening our eyes.  The birds are starting to sing.  We arise with thankfulness to a new day.

But then a cloud blocks out the new rays and we think of those who are suffering the pains of life; so many, so deep, so close, so far—so long.

And why?  How can this be?  What can I do?

Contact the infinite love of our Creator!

 Know that the Comforter is with us, and gives more than we can comprehend.

Let the Power of God’s Love and Light fill us, and know that we can share it with everyone today.

Love our neighbor even when it’s hard; even when it seems impossible.  This will bring the healing of the nations, which will bring the healing to all.

We must get strong in this!

Being a Light Knight.

Thank you, Great Loving Master

-Rev. Mark

 From Father Paul:  Excerpts from a Class on the Law dated 7/3/69

…you seem to be very, very hazy about what we’re talking about when we’re talking about the law, or the understanding of its reality; especially an understanding of how this works not only in prayer but in life.  Somehow or other many of you have gotten the idea that the law is something which you have to set down and go to work on as a formula…I’m asking you to become conscious of the fact that the law can be a part of your everyday life.  That you know that your supply is being given you from the Father and through our Lord Jesus Christ.  And if you become conscious of Jesus Christ it will be given to you:  because he says “What thou askest of me shall be given” and I know this is the truth…It’s a part of your consciousness of God’s supply…

That the Master went along the road and he did not necessarily issue a prayer saying “Father heal this man”; Father do this; Father do that; Father do the other thing.  He just said “Let this be” or “Arise, take up thy bed and walk.  Thou art healed.  Go forth and sin no more, unless thy sins return unto thee.”  This is an ingrained part of your consciousness.  And when it gets down deep enough into the reality of your being, then it becomes part of the soul growth…

If you will get to this, you will find that you’ll get some help.  You’ll find that you won’t have to worry about whether things are going to come all right or not—you know they will.  Because your acts, don’t forget, are your prayers.  That’s for sure.

Now there’s no question in the world but what this functions just this way.  So if you want to put everything ahead of God; well, fine.  It’ll function that way.  You’ll get just exactly that, just what you put ahead of God.  But it won’t wind up very good in the end…

You let go of the works and say, “Here I am–I got no more claim on anything.  I’m going to serve man.  I’m going to serve the Master Jesus, through the Order that I’ve made the declarations to, and here I am.  Now take me and do it.”  …

This law is not a dry, hard, cold unloving thing.  It has life; it’s motivated through the Spirit of God.  It’s there, it’s alive.  And when you put yourself at the hands of Jesus Christ to live and work and serve him, you’ll find it works for you.  You won’t have to worry about any pain in the back of your leg.  Because if you do get one, you will only have to think of it and say “No” and it’s gone…

Now let’s us get straightened out.  This is the place where you start to learn to use prayer as it should be; learn to use those things which God has given you for a happy, continuously happy life.  Or otherwise you’re going to start to handle people’s problems.  God forgive me, I wouldn’t want to do that. Handling people’s problems.  I can handle the problems through prayer, I can handle the problems through our Master, yes.  But I as a man…unh unh.  No, no.  That’s impossible.  And any man that does has got his head pointed down the wrong road…

Q-If you put in your consciousness that it’s going to be the will of the Father for every prayer you make, would that be the same as right action?

Father Paul Well I think my will is the will of the Father…

Sometimes we get way off base with that statement.  That’s a pretty sticklish statement to make! That’s why we say “through Jesus Christ.”

Because I’ve seen some people go pretty far out in left field with that…[speaking of off base spiritual group] you could find a lot of people  [saying} that God was taking to them.  I’m sure that He was not particularly interested in talking to these people, because they couldn’t perform very much service…

And then you have to get yourself to the place where the work and the Word of God become a living reality to you.  And this is the only way you will every approach it is through this way, you see—“The Father gave unto me the Word and I give it unto thee.”  You see?  You approach it through this way.  And when it comes to begin to become a living reality, then you’ll just normally start to bend toward this naturally and you won’t have any problem…

Now, prayer without ceasing is a form of constant consciousness that God is here.  I stand in the shadow of Jesus.  I feel him; I feel his consciousness.  I’m in the grocery store and he’s with me.  I go down to the wholesale warehouse and I feel his consciousness.  I feel the reality of what the other man is looking toward me and I feel the response to that consciousness, you see.  This is the prayer without ceasing.  “O Father, let their light be shone.”  You never seen them before, but let their light be shown.  This is the upliftment of the nation.

It is the thing that many Teachers will feel.  I’ve seen some pretty staunch individuals come away from after lecturing to a large crowd or performing a Mass, and sit down and just literally cry like a baby.  There was nothing wrong with the people themselves but they felt the great pathos, the great sorrow for the masses; great sorrow for those things which they saw, that they couldn’t reach directly.

The moving out into that level of consciousness that Jesus was when he said he was going; that Peter would deny him thrice; yet he went on, and Peter did deny him thrice.  But he had compassion.  This is compassion on an upper level.  This isn’t just being tolerant or something of that sort.  This is compassion as a whole, the feeling of the race of mankind.  And this is something that comes; this is the stuff that saints are made of as they used to say.  Because it’s done without thought of themselves, without thought of any return, without any acknowledgment or any of these things.  You do it strictly because you want to help…

And when you pity them you’re reaching out to say “well you poor fellow” in your mind…And you take on part of their sorrow.  And this is not doing anything.  This is just you trying to get some acknowledgment from the other guy, that’s all.  This is not good.  Not good for the person and it’s not good for you.  Pity has no place…But you can have a listening ear.  And if it’s a real listening ear, it’s you’re enacting a prayer;..

Now it isn’t the length of time that you talk to a person.  Because if they’re seeking, just a few minutes with that person if your consciousness is right, will do as much as a half an hour or an hour…you can sow a little seed and let it grow, and then… it will draw them in to a place where they can receive greater light and greater understanding…

Steiner Street is a street here in SF. It runs from Duboce Avenue (at Duboce Park) to Chestnut Street in the Marina. The street is named after L. Steiner and his two brothers, Leopold and Samuel, who died in November of 1911. Steiner was a “waterman,” meaning he delivered water from house to house in the very early days of the city.

Interesting that Father Paul choice Steiner St. for headquarters of HOOM. Aquarius The Water-Bearer.




Asleep in the deep — are those who are steeped in the waves of one phase or another of Neptune’s illusions.

The psychic “waters” are attributed to Neptune, and many a spiritualistic medium seems content to remain submerged in the shimmering semi-realities, which are sometimes true, and sometimes quite misleading.

Entities which have left the body to pass beyond dwell in this region, as well as the thought forms which have taken form and are now filling with substance, prior to appearing physically.

Some persons have slept the sleep of Neptune, via drugs; some enjoy it in night clubs or other glamour spots, where they are “sent” (or some such word), by the rhythmic music, plus the colors, bright lights, and the ultra-glamour of persons “putting on” the evenings glittering personality.

The sleep which comes from the alcohol absorbed, need not be mentioned.  Any wino, asking for the price of a bottle, is so sadly asleep, only the most intense desire or motivation can inspire him to wake from the dreary nightmare of his existence, to cease from the false sleep by which he seeks to escape.

Many of these will perish in their self-induced sleep, to wake elsewhere, another day.

But for those who are ready and eager to awaken from the “sleep” of earth’s hold on them, into the higher spiritual Realities, the psychic waters act as the media through which the spiritual beings may act to reach through to the physical, to bring about that awakening.

This is the passageway, or the meeting ground, where the spiritual may reach down to function, and the astral or psychic body of a person may reach up to meet the spiritual, and gain thereby.

By means of the psychic world, and its tools, discarnate teachers may cause phenomena which aid in teaching an aspirant, or in bringing him to an earthly teacher.

By this means also, they are helped, before the student has gained his inner sight or hearing, by being thus able to bring to him from the outside many lessons or eye opening experiences, which he will not need, when he gains his spiritual sight and hearing.

In Canticles, or Solomon’s Song, 5: 2, we read:   “I slept, but my heart was awake.  Hark, my beloved is knocking.”

God knocks when the body is asleep, but the desire for Him awake.  Later, He’ll expect you to be awake expecting Him.

Water conducts electricity, and Uranus of the heavens is the “great awakener”.  Uranus rules electricity.  In that sense, awakening comes out of the water, too — the water of the heavens, as lightning comes out of a storm.

Lightning represents Truth, spiritual truth, and the Bible says, “As the lightning flashes from the East, even unto the West, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be.”

If strange things happen, which can hardly be explained by the ordinary means, it may well be the gathering of the “waters” of the heavens, through which the Lightening of  Truth will flash to you, and nothing will ever again be the same, for the Spirit of Christ shall have arrived in your consciousness.

To quote Dr. E.W. Blighton,

“Awakening comes to individuals when processes, actions, and desires of the physical body, both mentally and emotionally, have reached a point where they totally recognize total failure.

“This is the time when the awakening comes.  Not desire. Your whole body cries out; nothing you have can satisfy that great ache within you, that great vacuum.  Words and books will stand for nothing.”

And again, he said, “In conquering death, Life begins!  As Jesus did.”

Every winter, the tree seems to die, giving up its robe of green, and enduring bitter, crackling cold — until the warm sun of the Spring appears, when sap stirs in its roots, and soon begins to flow upward to its topmost branches, bringing a beautiful return to full life.

With the warm sun of spring, the whole world wakens.  Again speaking astrologically, the first day of spring occurs when the sun enters the sign of Aries, where it is at its place of exaltation.  It is also a sign which energizes, and acts.

Is it any wonder then, that the water which had been frozen and held in abeyance all winter on the mountain tops, begins to thaw and tumble down the mountain sides, to fill the brooks and water the fields and valleys below?

In this same way, the coming of the Sun of Christ at the dawn of the spiritual awakening within us, melts the long frozen stream of consciousness within us so that it feeds the seedlings of new spiritual fruitfulness.

  Terminal Lucidity: Many Patients Experience an Unexplained Return of Mental Acuity in Their Final Days

.  Anna Katherina Ehmer, known as Käthe, was a German woman born severely disabled in 1895. At six years of age, she was sent to a mental institution where she would live until she died at the age of 26.

.    Käthe suffered from several episodes of meningitis, which were thought to have “destroyed much of the brain tissue required for intelligent reasoning.” She also had tuberculosis, which led to the amputation of her leg and was the eventual cause of her death. She had never spoken a single word.

But, as she lay dying, something unexpected happened. She began singing to herself.  She sang—clearly and in perfect German—a funeral hymn. She sang to herself for a full half hour until she passed away, to the astonishment of her attendants documenting it.

Specifically, she sang over and over again ‘Where does the soul find its home, its peace? Peace, peace, heavenly peace!’ For half an hour she sang. Her face, up to then so stultified, was transfigured and spiritualized. Then, she quietly passed away. “Like myself and the nurse who had cared for her, the physician had tears in his eyes.”

Terminal lucidity is most often seen in dementia patients right before they die. They have a brief period of lucidity where they come “back to life” and regain the qualities that make them who they are—or were before the onset of the disease…

A wide range of things can happen during these episodes of clarity, but there are some characteristics that those who experience terminal lucidity share. According to All American Hospice, the following are common among patients:

  • Requesting their favorite food or object.
  • Recognizing or looking for a friend or family member
  • Being in a good mood and becoming more verbal
  • Reminiscing about good times when they were young
  • Looking for or talking to deceased people, pets, or religious figures
  • Having unexplained sensory experiences like seeing lights or hearing sounds
  • Talking about traveling or preparing to travel alone Predicting the exact time of death

Other common experiences are improvement of physical symptoms, like pain, speaking clearly and coherently, answering questions from others, remembering things previously thought forgotten, getting up and walking around, and engaging in activities like singing.

An 81-year-old woman with Alzheimer’s  had been living in a retirement home in Iceland. Members of her family took turns visiting her even though she hadn’t recognized any of them or spoken for a year. One day, her son Lydur was sitting at her bedside when she suddenly sat up, looked at him directly in the face, and said:  “My Lydur, I am going to recite a verse to you.”  According to her son, she then very clearly recited the following verse, which he thought particularly appropriate to her situation (translated):

“Oh, father of light, be adored. Life and health you gave to me,

My father and my mother.  Now I sit up, for the sun is shining.

You send your light in to me.   Oh, God, how good you are.”

After reciting the verse, the woman laid back down and was unresponsive—remaining this way until she died a month later.  Her son wrote down the verse thinking it was his mother’s original words, but later discovered it was the first stanza from an Icelandic poem.

One explanation for this is that the patient “wakes up” to complete their unfinished work, like saying goodbye, making their last wishes known, or seeing someone for the last time.

. Some believe episodes of terminal lucidity are representative of the person connecting with an afterlife.”   –Emma Suttie, D.Ac, AP


Revelation 21:4 “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”


From the Summer Solstice service:

For deep within the atom of time

Is etched the pattern of the ancient mind

As I peer into the atom sun of the microcosmic world

Or I look straight up to the Christos which we love so well

I ask myself the question

Which of these is the world in which I live?

Does my Father shine through the son in that little world below?

Is there another race of people down there striving to know?

Then my mind turns back 2000 years ago

To a night on Calvary; it seems so long ago

But as but yesterday in the many worlds I’ve found

So think you, Master, I need not to know

But just to be, the things you ask of me

For through the grace Thou givest us

A greater world will we see

A greater world will live to know of Thee.


The Golden Force  –from The Way of the Son of Man

The Way is long, the road is steep, the work is great, but the eventide and its thoughts are well worth the effort of the day.  The smile of the one that was ill is like harmony of the spheres to you. In it is the motivation for tomorrow, but then it will only be today.  Each time you slip just turn around and look, then say,  “Well, God, we didn’t quite make it this time, but that is finished and done.”  Once more turning your head to the light, perhaps not knowing just how you will make it except through the power of God working through you, and that this knowledge of the Law is all you need because that is all there is to work with.

Look to the light ahead, look not to the right or left when troubled but look ahead, see that one — that man in the dark skin striving ahead or the one away in the distance in the shining armor of light; it is and can shine through you also if you will let go and let God be the power and principal force, regardless of what you see around you.

It is the path of the ancient alchemist; it is the path of humility because it is the path of power.  You see, humility and power are the opposite poles of the Great Force.

We reach the great hallway of time, so to speak, for up to now we have a more or less open road with a limited view, but we see, as from afar off, the Way.  As we walk along we seem to enter a long passage in the side of a mountain, and things seem to form a wall, and our path seems to flow into a passageway and I find myself hemmed in by walls, and there is only one way ahead. The way is dim and the light does not seem to come through as it did, but I walk on because I have sighted once the lighted way…

…Now I can look along the Way and see there are many travelers on it—men and women, young and old—all with the same happy faces and the same joy in their hearts, and the sun streams down and my strength returns—but now it is unlimited.