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Dear Friends,

“I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you.”

The Hawaiian Prayer for Forgiveness is called “Ho’oponopono” (pronounced HO-oh-Po-no-Po-no.

The word ho’oponopono roughly translates to “cause things to move back in balance” or to “make things right.” It is used as a chant to cleanse the mind and body of guilt, shame, and haunting memories that keep the mind fixated on negative thoughts.

Like the Catholic practice of reciting the rosary as well as going to Confession, the idea of repentance begins with forgiving oneself, as God has already granted us grace and forgiveness.  We simply need to “let go and let God” and accept it.

Living as spiritual beings in a physical body is very challenging, and those challenges are the seeds for growth if we embrace them.  No one leaves this life blameless; painful life lessons and the many mistakes we have made can manifest as depression or illness.  We can also cover our regrets with lots of frantic, unproductive activity.

Taking a few minutes to repeat the Hawaiian prayer is a refreshing exercise.  Said with feeling, we can embrace the whole world.  Our earth radiates with reflected sunlight, showing us that despite the abuses it has suffered at unconscious hands, it knows how to forgive—and regenerate.

Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” – Mark Twain

Class by Father Paul      November 16, 1973

This morning I’m going to change a little bit and give some things from the Book of God, and sometimes we forget that we have a mission not unto what we desire to make it, but what it is necessary for us to do in order to follow out His will.  And this is one of the things that we get in a very subtle rut with.  And in the Book of God in the fifth chapter we find that there are many reasons for some of the things which we have experienced, and we see some of the things in ourselves which we have experienced that we shouldn’t have.  You know, I see people going through cleansings, and I see people going through this and through that, and you know they actually enjoy it, many times, quite a bit.  They enjoy it because they haven’t been reading the Book of God.  They enjoy it because they haven’t listened to what the Master has said to us in that fifth chapter.

“Seek not martyrdom although I was martyred.  For martyrdom gaineth not its purpose unless divinely ordained by those above.”

               “Fear not when thou lookest into the abyss of darkness before thou hast crossed and entered the chamber of Light.”

You know, somehow there are many of us that get, or rather assume, a position that we have gone through all of the necessary initiations of earth and heaven.  And believe me, I know a few of this earth that have.  And very subtly, very subtly, we start to experience some little physical thing and we really and immediately appoint this to one of the things that we are being tested in.  Well, I say, pshaw.  The only way you’re being tested is because you haven’t learned to use the power and the word that you have been given, or because you won’t use it, one or the other.  No man has to go through – even to purify his body – has to go through illness of any kind.  The only time that this happens is when he is not willing to give up the illness, and to give up the poisons, to give up the disturbances in his body.  Then he has to suffer a little bit for it.  Now let’s not get into the ruts and the pitfalls of those things which other people have fallen for in the past, in other religions and other places.

One man that I met one day – oh, this is about fifteen, twenty years ago – and he was sick in the hospital …and he was telling me, he said:  “Well, you know,” he said, “this is a test the good Lord’s given to me to see how much faith I’ve got.”

I said, “That’s too bad, isn’t it, sir?”  I said.  “I’m sorry that your faith has failed.  Because,” I said, “if you had any faith in God you wouldn’t have this condition.”  And that’s the truth.

So don’t put everything that happens into the lap of God, because it doesn’t belong there and He never ordained it to be there.  It is only when you misuse God’s Law and your own approach to it has failed, instead of using His approach as He has taught you how.  It is one of the most subtle things of all religious orders and all religious work, is to get into the habit of laying everything at the feet of God that He didn’t have anything to do with.  He never had a thing to do with it.  But we go on and we do this because we don’t want to face the mirror and take a good look at ourselves and see just how unbecoming we are to that which we profess.  And I truly mean unbecoming, because He has given us so much.

Now I want to ask you one thing.  How could you become conscious of life if you’d always lived in it?  How could you know darkness if you had never seen it?  And that is exactly where it is.

  “Fear not when thou lookest into the abyss of darkness, before thou hast crossed and entered into the chamber of Light.”  This is a very realistic experience when it happens in real initiation.  For he who has not seen darkness will never appreciate the Light.

Here is a thing which is part of initiation but which is very real, because if you don’t appreciate something and have a real appreciation for it, you are not going to be able to use it.  You are not going to value it, and you are not going to make the ultimate use of it.  It is only when we have seen the darkness and have gone down into the abyss that we can come up into the Light and really enjoy it thoroughly.

And you know I don’t feel too bad about that.  Jesus Christ did.  If he did, why, I think it’s all right.  He descended into hell, didn’t he, and then rose?  And here you have it – little different words, but the same thing, the same idea, the same reality.  And so it is that if you hadn’t been out there on the street – or out there in the world, I should say – you would have never been able to appreciate having received some Light here, and having stimulated some of the gifts of that Light and Spirit to ourselves.

For the deeper thou lookest into the blackness of its depths, just so far up wilt thou look into the lightness of my world,, and know of me and from whence do I come.”

You know, you have to in order to follow the normal cycle of creation.  It is necessary at some time, not each life necessarily, but at some time you have to have gone down in the down cycle and through it, in order to come up.  The higher you want to climb, the farther down you have to go in order to get that momentum of rise.  And you are, you are going through this coming into the illumination..  You look back in your life and experience here in the Order and take a good healthy look at it, and if just before somebody came in and said, “Are you ready to receive the Light?” you had some real, little harassing personal experiences that were not, by any means, something of the Light of Christ.

The one thing that you must learn to do, most important, most important, is to look yourself honestly in the eye, honestly, and not blame God for all the things that happen to you; because He is not to blame.  He did not make Creation this way.  He did not make it so that you had to suffer.  He had nothing to with that.  That’s your own fault, it’s your own errors, it’s your own misuse, it’s your own mistaken ideas, and the sooner you get to the point where you are humble and look up, so to say, and say, “Dear Father, I am so sorry for misusing your perfect universe, your perfect world”, the sooner will you get to the point where you can truly appreciate God in all His Glory.  For this is the only way that you will ever come to a point of actual functioning power of the Spirit, when you look down on the earth and say, “Father, we sure made a mess of it, but we’re going to clean it up.”

And you know that’s one thing – He gives us the tools, the brooms and the dustpans, but He isn’t going to use them, and you can just lay your last dollar on that.  You’re going to have to help clean it up.  And the sooner you get to the point of humility, where you look that honestly in the eye and take it on your shoulders as being one of the people in human form – I’m not saying anything about your heritage or the place that you have gotten to in the past time, or I’m not saying where you are or anything else – it doesn’t make any difference.  But you are going to have to look honestly into your own eyes and say, “These things which I suffer now are of my own making.  They are my own fault.”  When you begin to get that humility then will you know where you stand.  Then you will know that you have the authority.  Then you will know that through this humility and your relation to God, giving Him the glory for the perfect creation, then you will know that you have the right to use those tools, really, and make this earth another place of beauty, a glory to God, a manifestation of it.  But until you look directly into your own eyes and humbly accept the fact that you muffed it as well as the rest of them, even here, then you will keep on going in and out of doors and in and out of crucifixion of your – all of your own making.

Nobody need be sick, nobody need be unwell.  Sometimes we subtly slip and all of a sudden we’ve got too much to handle, and then we find ourselves with something to take care of that we can’t, aren’t quite capable of; then we ask help.  But we don’t sit around and wait for something to happen.  We go ahead and do something about it.  And if we can’t handle it spiritually, personally, well, we can always get the doctor that will help us.  He will help us to build up our confidence to the place where the powers and forces of God and nature can work.  And every good doctor knows that, and he helps nature to stimulate it in the right way so that it will work, and he puts his knowledge into operation.

“This is the hardest time to live, but it is also the greatest honor to be alive now, and to be allowed to see this time. There is no other time like now. We should be thankful, for creation did not make weak spirits to live during this time. The old ones say ‘this is the time when the strongest spirits will live through and those who are empty shells, those who have lost the connection will not survive.’

We have become masters of survival -we will survive- it is our prophecy to do so.”

“Humanity must shift from living “on” the earth, to living with her.” -Tiokasin Ghosthorse

A midwife friend had a brother (now passed) with Down’s and she and her siblings got him released from the state mental hospital some years back (I think their parents had placed him there)She said that Down’s children were special souls, here to teach us how to love. 

In memoriam, Denise Pyne:  transition Sept. 6, 2024


When you were born my life was saved

It started slow, I hardly knew

The change was deep out of sight

A spark in a dark night.

When first you giggled

Something deep inside me wiggled

When you hugged my neck and wouldn’t let go

My heart swelled more than I could know

I see you now and all you’ve done

I’m so proud you’ve won the race you have run

I thank God each morning as I awake

He gave me you for my heart’s sake.

-Tom Pyne


Excerpt from the Golden Force chapter of The Golden Force:

 Man can only obtain and maintain peace through a return to God consciousness.  In other words, to know that through the Law, Love and Living, in the consciousness of these three L’s and being ever conscious man has the choice, and through his hourly thinking and words, can bring peace of mind and body.  Thus will our country have peace, because there is no thought of war in our minds, as war does not come when the individuals are not personally at war with themselves.  When the country is at peace, they will not be preparing for war.

The earth will be at peace when the countries are at peace.  When one is at peace, one does not have ills.

Peace is not a state of stagnation, but a state of activity in which people are busy creating and letting God come through into material expression.

This is The Golden Force, in an orderly ever-changing state of creativity, work and manufacturing, for the use of the people.  This is the doctrine of the Great Master, Jesus.

Man must be at peace with himself, before he can be at peace with others of his kind.

The Creator has not wanted man to suffer nor to be in want.  It is only mans ego which will not accept that Man himself cannot do it alone without the Golden Force, for he — Man — of himself is nothing.

What you put into your atmosphere determines what you will receive.

Man has not been satisfied to create the idea pattern of what he wanted and let the Great Creator bring it into existence through the Law.  Once the Great Master, Jesus, said, “It is not my work, but the works of the Father through me!”

Man is always trying to control his world through new laws and by ideas of his own, forgetting that the basic Law was set down by the Creator when the Universe was created.  If man would use this he could do all things without harm, to anyone or anything.

It is only through Living — conscious living and knowing that we form the patterns in our atmosphere which the Golden Force fills and brings into existence, and in the pattern of the way we want to live it.  Thus we gain the luxurious living that the Creator intended for His creations on this earth to live, and not in fear of want, in the midst of plenty.

The term living is not what we see around us—the existence in fear bound by limitations, bound by hundreds of conventional laws, no personal freedom, no world freedom, and without freedom you cannot manifest the Creator, be it in the Atomic Age or fifteen years ago.

You are a free agent of the Great Creator!

You have the tools—are you going to use them—Now?

Confession is basically a very simple thing.  It involves the giving over, or letting go, of one’s sins to God.  Sin is merely a name for the incorrect use of the great creative law of God.  This law is the nature of our own being and function.  Right use of this law brings happiness, peace, fulfillment, and realization.  Wrong use of the law breeds pain, suffering and confusion.

Through the buildup of negation brought about by ages of misuse of the creative Law of life, the earth was in a state of crystallization and decay which was fast becoming irreversible when our Master Jesus became the channel for the redemption of the earth by the Christ.

The redemption is simply the creation and establishment of a permanent pattern of growth into the earth by the infusion into the earth of the Christ consciousness.  Once done, it can never be reversed.  Now, as we say, the door of reformation is always open.

The atonement is the result of the redemption.  It is the process of re-attuning all things and all people into harmonious vibration with this Divine pattern.  It is the process of at-one-ment, now available to all who will reach for it.

-From Mother Ruth, regarding working with Father Paul in the “early days” of the Science of Man:  … The public class had begun to grow larger and larger, and people were obviously enjoying it.  Then one evening he began needling them, not directly to persons but, teaching from his chart, he began making rather insulting remarks to no one in particular but to the class generally, or rather to the type of people who were in the class.  He did this two or three sessions in a row, and of course, the numbers dwindled.

I respectfully tried to suggest that he might be offending some people, but he knew it perfectly well.  It was a deliberate shakedown.  What he actually said was, “I don’t have time for people who come to be entertained.”  He was there to do more important work, and was only interested in working with people who were seriously striving…

…and his work shifted gears.  From working with the “nice people”, he turned to the youthful raw material of the streets.  Or rather, they had turned to him.  They accepted him as completely as Orne and I had done, so a new chapter began to be written, again starting from scratch.  He afterward said that he gave up on the nice people because they weren’t doing anything, whereas the young people were very eager to work with him, and to change their lives to something better.

“When you examine the lives of the most influential people who have ever walked among us, you discover one thread that winds through them all. They have been aligned first with their spiritual nature and only then with their physical selves.”  Albert Einstein

“Leo Tolstoy” was a noble Russian who possessed huge landsAnd great fortunes. Tolstoy gave all of his wealth to the poor and homeless. He lived a life of asceticism.

Among his most famous sayings are:“ Don’t tell me about your religion, but let me see religion in your actions. ”

Again :”If you feel pain,… you’re alive, but if you feel the pain of others, … you’re human. ”

Spiritual Exercise – Heart Exercise

For this week I would like to have you spend three minutes each morning lying in bed relaxed, when you first awaken; concentrate all of your thought and all of your mind power on the creative cells that are in the pericardium sac that surrounds the heart.  This sac is filled with what science calls a lymphatic chemical, which science believes is merely a lubricant like the grease and oil that is in the transmission box of an automobile.               Your pericardium also covers the roots of your major blood vessels as they extend from your heart. These are known as your “great vessels,” and they include your aorta.

Science thinks that the heart floats in this chemical and the chemical makes the beating heart move without friction against the other tissues of the body.  We have discovered, however, that the lymph surrounding the heart contains the greatest creative power and essence of any part of the body except that which is used for sex reproduction.  In fact, in one sense, the lymphatic matter around the heart is more highly creative of real energy and life than any other cells in the human body.  Now by visualizing this solution around the heart and concentrating on it to vitalize it, with the thought that it shall send its energy into the heart and shall awaken its power and more of its power to the heart during the day, you will be awakening a center of action and energy that will make the blood seem warmer for an hour or so after you arise, and will give you more vitality and so-called “pep” than anything you have ever tried.  You will notice before the day is over that your memory and your intuition are keener and more sensitive.  Try this every morning during the coming week.


DID YOU KNOW? The Appalachians, Scottish Highlands & Atlas Mountains of Morocco were all connected as the Central Pangean Mountains, which were as tall as the Himalayas are today.

They are believed to be the oldest mountain ranges in the world.

During the Permian era (around 295 million years ago), they were subjected to intense weathering, reducing the peaks to around half their original size and creating numerous deep intermontane valleys.

Visiting the Scottish Highlands, it’s easy to see why Scots-Irish immigrants to America found the Appalachians (of which the Blue Ridge Mountains are a sub-range) to remind them of home!


What can I Say that I have not said before?

So I’ll say it again.

The leaf has a song in it.  Stone is the face of patience.  Inside the river there is an unfinishable story.

And you are somewhere in it and it will never end until all ends.

 Take your busy heart to the art museum and the chamber of commerce

But take it also to the forest.

The song you heard singing in the leaf when you were a child is singing still.

I am of years lived, so far, seventy-four, and the leaf is singing still.                                            -Mary Oliver.