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Tis the Season to be Merry!

Now that many of us have spent over 50 years of Christmas celebrations we all must have several that were memorable.

I remember being one of the first brother missionaries sent to Baltimore in 1971 and meeting up with our Brothers in Philly and with other missionaries on the Eastern seaboard for Christmas.

Just before the Christmas Eve mass that night we hiked in a park and stood before a shrine in which the Blessed Mother was said to have appeared. Her presence was very strong  and carried over into that mass with a sacredness and intense presence and light.

The one that stands out the most was Mother Ruth’s last Christmas just weeks before she passed on, which was at our house In Portland, Oregon.   Quiet, serene and almost other worldly, candlelight dinner and an incredible feast. We were all truly in awe of her beauty that night and united in Spirit and love.

We are all truly blessed when sharing together the simplicity and beauty of Christmas with family and friends.

May we grow stronger together in the years ahead as we continue to celebrate the gift of all gifts, the birth of the only begotten Son Of God our Lord and Master, Jesus the Christed one!

Peace on Earth!

Father Ant