The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. –Psalm 19:1
Dear friends,
Would those of you who know what this is all about please raise your hands?
Here we are, completing another trip around the sun, preparing ourselves in the Northern Hemisphere for its full effect. Wheel in a wheel. As above, so below.
Because, you see, we live in Eden. The Garden has always been here, and we’ve been invited back in.
So many wonderful seeds we’ve been given to sow. Planting and weeding and watering with care, we accept there will be an abundance to share.
“Look about you. This is paradise. It’s hard to find, I’ll grant you, but it is here. Under our feet, beneath the surface, all around us is everything we want. The earth is shining under the soot.”
And after long days, we look up at the night. Ancient and timeless light, reaching our eyes from afar.
And before we sleep, we look to the ancient and endless Light from within. The brightness and warmth of the Great Benevolence that takes us to the Knowing; We Are One.
Love in Christ,
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. –Psalm 19:14