1. Keep the Creator, then Christ, then Christ Jesus, Lord of Earth, in your consciousness at all times – then the Holy Spirit will be with you always.
2. Obey the still, small voice within (God-Self) and the Law of God.
3. Study your desires – do not incur spiritual indebtedness by wanting things not essential.
4. Think and speak only that which is true, kind, helpful and necessary.
5. Thou shalt be Self-controlled, be charitable, be compassionate, and consistent in all things.
6. Be affectionately detached – not attached.
7. Find points of agreement, not difference, with others.
8. Love all people, and respect their personal possessions, which are God’s.
9. Practice: Prayer for God’s sake; Work for Work’s sake; The arts for art’s sake; Listening for your soul’s sake.
10. Tithe for the love of freedom.
11. Do only that which brings Light into the World.
12. Let the word of your mouth speak of your coming Life.