by Mary | Jun 23, 2013 | quarterly
“The Hindu religion is the only one of the world’s great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths…the time scales correspond to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles...
by Mary | Jun 23, 2013 | quarterly
All things come out of seeming nowhere—and return again to the Unknown, even human beings. Yet this source is not a vacuum, but the infinite potential in which all is rooted, symbolized in number by zero. It is No Thing, because “things” are finite, and No Place,...
by Mary | Jun 23, 2013 | quarterly
A series of hand-painted signs dot the side of the winding mountain road that runs between the airport and the Bhutanese capital, Thimphu. Instead of commands to cut speed or check mirrors, they offer the traveler a series of life-affirming mantras. “Life is a...
by Mary | Jun 23, 2013 | quarterly
The Dalai Lama devoted the last public appearance of his Portland visit to an hourlong teaching on compassion. Speaking to about 10,000 people at Veterans Memorial Coliseum, he said the traditional Buddhist value is the key to a happy and peaceful life....
by Mary | Mar 23, 2013 | quarterly
Memories Just a few days before my beloved brother went through transition in an automobile accident, the two of us had an unbelievable flight in a vintage WWII aircraft. He looked at me and said “Life is about Memories”. It had never dawned upon me the scope of his...
by Mary | Mar 23, 2013 | quarterly
From Father Paul: December 1, 1973 This morning I’m going to take our lesson from the fourth chapter of the Book of Activity, and beginning with the first verse: “For let it be known that I, the Master Jesus,...
by Mary | Mar 23, 2013 | quarterly
From Cosmic Consciousness Tape: “It is the soul we seek to emancipate, to clean, to renovate with light, and our own actions. And then we are free men and we’ll get true answers. This is why the individual who has delved into the psychic, and I’m not saying there...
by Mary | Mar 23, 2013 | quarterly
Notes by Mother Ruth “What do you want?” Father often asks. And, “If only you would want something.” he has said to me. How God must wait to learn what we want. He has it all to give; so He must listen to all our words and thoughts, not...
by Mary | Mar 23, 2013 | quarterly
Jason Lotterhand Q & A on the Tarot key The Magician Question from student: Jason, what is black magic? That’s what most people are doing every day, all the time. We do what we damn well please. The Individual says, “I’ll do what I want, any way I can.” He’s...
by Mary | Mar 23, 2013 | quarterly
Father Paul: Lesson on the Soul: “And in one sense, we might say that God is everything—that everything else is not; or in other words, the very opposite of all material things in the universe. This however, would only give us a negative picture or concept of God,...